Monthly Sewing Challenge

Each month our meetings focus around a theme for the month and are accompanied by an optional challenge to be completed before our meeting. The overall “challenges” are simple and meant to help provide some motivation to selecting a sewing project for the month. Once completed, make sure to bring your item in to show to the group. If your challenge pushes you to learn or try a new techniques – make sure you let the group know so we can all learn from your experiences!

Sewing Challenges Calendar - generated

Next Up: November 10, 2024

Dress in Holiday Attire.  Bring your holiday items that you have sewn.  They could be wardrobe, gift or decorating items.

2024 Sewing Challenges

January 14th – When you stepped back from the holidays and all the decorations were packed away, what did you sew?  

February 11th – It’s a month to honor red or romance or hearts.  Red and February also mean heart health month.  Is it a cute pillow, table runner, wardrobe item or accessory? 

March 10th – What did your sewing marathon yield this month?  You might not have wanted to go anywhere because of the cold.  Or do you associate this month with the “wearing of the green”?

April 14th – Think new beginnings, pastels, any new skills.  It’s a month of renewals.  

May 19th – The theme is summer sewing.  What items are you preparing in your sewing room for summer?  Something for swimming, traveling or gardening?

June 9th – Traditionally a special occasion month.  But special occasions can run the gamut from casual to formal.  Is it a wedding, graduation, family or school reunion, outdoor picnic or a new baby in the family?

July 13th – We’re taking the month off from our normal meeting location.  We’re moving in our cars! And the date will change to Saturday, July 13.  Join us on a road trip to Country Fabrics in Shiloh, OH.  They are open from 9am to 3pm and are only 1 hour and 12 minutes from our normal meeting place.

August 11th – This will be a repeat of our fall celebration of 2023 moved to August in 2024.  Bring your items to give away or sell.  There will be door prizes for all and a grand prize of $25 to spend on your sewing.  Anyone is welcome to bring a snack to share with all.  Of course, our members have always brought whatever sewing items they no longer need and wish to pass on to someone else to any meeting.  But this meeting will ramp up your opportunities with selling!

September 8th – It’s National Sewing Month.  Bring in your sewing machine and we will sit and sew for charity.  Or if that sewing machine is too heavy to transport, you heard in January what opportunities are offered for charity sewing.  If you worked on these items at home – bring them this month and join us for conversation about what you’ve made.

October 13th – Focus on keeping warm.  This might mean jackets, quilted shawls or blankets for your pet or a pet coat.  We also must complete the election of officers for 2025.

November 10th – Dress in Holiday Attire.  Bring your holiday items that you have sewn.  They could be wardrobe, gift or decorating items.

December – No meeting so we can  spend time with loved ones. Happy Holidays!

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