I Found A Quilted Heart (IFAQH)

A Random Act of Kindness Project

Submitted by Cindy Shuster

What better month than February – “heart month” (or any other month) to participate in a “feel good” project, randomly spreading joy while using up fabric scraps.

As the story goes . . . this project began in January 2014 while three sisters and their spouses were vacationing in Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada and found a heart near a cave in the middle of nowhere, with no identifying information except, “I need a home”. After extensive research to no avail as to the meaning/purpose behind this heart, the sisters decided this little heart brought them so much joy, they wanted to share the experience for others to enjoy, thus the IFAQH project began. The bases of the IFAQH project is simple, leave hearts in a public place for a random stranger to find to brighten their day.

According to the sisters, “What started as sewing hearts like crazy (approximately 20) to sewing like crazy is now 100s of hearts at a time and on a ‘sowing’ adventure they can leave up to 1,000 hearts”. Since its inception, the IFAQH project has grown internationally.

If you are interested in spreading joy through sewing scrappy hearts and randomly placing them within your community, check the guidelines on the I Found A Quilted Heart website. Additionally, you can read the full story on how the project began, guidelines for labeling, placing, reporting, and frequently asked questions, etc. at the

Happy Sewing!
Smiles are Free! Share generously!

I Found A Quilted Heart examples

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